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Wednesday, October 30, 2019



Recover game data.
API for grepolis worlds data.

To help developers of external sites statistics, we make available for download the data of the most important worlds. Player attributes, cities and alliances are thus available for download regularly. We also provide information on the conquests of the city from a world in UNIX timestamp and content profiles.

Load the data only when you need it in order not to overload the server query. Scripts loading the data more than once per hour are not allowed. It is best to host them on an external site in that case. Note that the data is updated at regular intervals based on the world selected.

The files are available in .txt.gz or (.txt) format and there are 11 in total. Each file consists of an arbitrary number of comma-separated lines. The data is encoded PHP format, which means that a comma is expressed by %.

For download, it is necessary to replace (ptX) by the identification number of the desired world (pt62 for Sestos , zz12 for Beta Sandbox12 , etc ...)
This file contains information about the players. The data is available in the following order:
(id) (name) (alliance_id) (points) (rank) (towns)
This file contains information about the alliances. The data is available in the following order:
(id) (name) (points) (village members) (rank)
This file contains information on cities. The data is available in the following order:
(id) (player_id) (name) (island_x) (island_y) (number_on_island) (points)
This file contains information about the islands. The data is available in the following order:
(id) (x) (y) (island_type) (available_towns)
This file contains information about the classification of combatants. The data is available in the following order:  (rank) (player_id) (points)
This fil contains information about the classification  of attackers fighters. The data is available in the following order:  (rank) (player_id) (points)
This file contains information about the classification of players in the defense. The data are available in the following order: (rank) (player_id) (points)
This file contains information about the classification  of alliances in the fighting. The data is available in the following order: (rank) (alliance_id)  (points)
This file contains information about the classification  of alliances attacking fighters. The data is available in the following order: (rank) (alliance_id) (points)
This file contains information about the classification  of alliances fighting defenders. The data is available in the following order:  (rank) (alliance_id) (points)
This file contains information on the cities taken from the opening of the world. The data is available in the following order: (Town_id) (time) (new_player_id)  (old_player_id) (new_ally_id) (old_ally_id) (town_points)


Texte format:  (.txt)
.rar format to download:  (.gz)

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Do you like Themes and want to help keep this blog up and running with all the surrounding structure, site hosting images, files and more? so share your back to your friends and enemies of the game and if you can do a good deed donate a coin then thank you for sure it will help a lot,  click here to know more.

Sunday, October 27, 2019


Background image GrepoChristmas
GrepoChristmas is advised and pleasant any time of the year but is appropriate on holiday days, and is best suited for those who like soft colors, sunshine, joy, relaxation, warmth. No, we are not talking about a day at the beach. These are actually some of the main features of GrepoChristmas Theme despite having very little transparency this theme provides peace, love, and will leave you totally relaxed in the game maintenance times. This theme GrepoChristmas does not need to be an experienced player the environment is clear and without much change, however great moments of joy should always be celebrated, respected and remembered with great joy, the game brings moments of intense attention when attacked, so thought to bring With these themes a touch of sympathy to lower stress and relax a little all these moments of intense adrenaline.

Today he will only accompany you along your grepolitan journey

Licence GNU LGPLv3

Terms of Use.
By clicking the .js file download button you accept all the terms hereunder.

Extra Info.
GrepoChristmas Theme Creation:  25/10/2019
Update GrepoChristmas: _1.1.1 _14/12/2019

-All the codes are clean as crystal never found a malicious code in our Themes, we think respect for each of us should be our first concern.

- Abusing these scripts (Themes) as read-only duplications is your sole responsibility, please note that several Themes can be installed inside your Tempermonkey BUT ONLY ONE Themes can be activated at a time in read-only mode.
- Activating multiple themes at the same time will slow your Internet (even slower Internet).

By installing Any of these Grepotemas scripts you are responsible for: installing, using and modifying your code, locking your Grepolis account or banning a Grepolis world from using scripts.

Before you download this Theme, please be informed how to install the Theme and what minimum requirements you need.
  1. how to install the themes
  2. Minimum requirements  

GrepoChristmas Update: _1.1.1 _14-12-2019 (✔️)

Download by Dropbox (✔️

Download by Mega (✔️
No Pub
Do you like Themes and want to help keep this blog up and running with all the surrounding structure, site hosting images, files and more? so share your back to your friends and enemies of the game and if you can do a good deed donate a coin then thank you for sure it will help a lot,  click here to know more.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019



Background image GrepoAbe's
Oddworld: Abe's Exodus (Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus in its original version) is a video game released in 1998 on PlayStation and PC. Developed by Oddworld Inhabitants and edited by GT Interactive, this is the second game in the Oddworld series and the direct sequel to Abe's Odyssey.
In Japan, it came out under the name Abe'99, published as its predecessor by SoftBank. A pack containing the first two games Oddworld released on PlayStation and PC, as well as a PC version of the games The Odyssey of Munch and The Fury of the Stranger should be released in 2010 and will be available via the download platform Steam1 .
As for the Odyssey, the game is centered on Abe's adventure, which, after releasing the slaves Mudokons of RuptureFarms, meat factory that planned to use the Mudokons as an ingredient for a new range of food products, must again save the Mudokon people from a terrible threat. Indeed, the Glukkons decided to exploit the Mudokon people again to make beer from powdered Mudokon bones2. The industrialists settled in Necrum, a gigantic necropolis where the Mudokons bury their dead since time immemorial. Abe must stop beer production in order to free the Mudokon people from the new industrial threat2.
The game received reviews and awards similar to those of Abe's Odyssey. The first-ever Aware Lifeforms In Virtual Entertainment (ATI) system is undergoing significant improvements, as well as the associated Gamespeak, as well as the backup system, which has been widely criticized in Abe's Odyssey.
Today he will only accompany you along your grepolitan journey

Licence GNU LGPLv3

Terms of Use.
By clicking the .js file download button you accept all the terms hereunder.

Extra Info.
GrepoAbe's Theme Creation:  25/09/2019
Update GrepoAbe's: _1.0.4 _25/09/2019

-All the codes are clean as crystal never found a malicious code in our Themes, we think respect for each of us should be our first concern.

- Abusing these scripts (Themes) as read-only duplications is your sole responsibility, please note that several Themes can be installed inside your Tempermonkey BUT ONLY ONE Themes can be activated at a time in read-only mode.
- Activating multiple themes at the same time will slow your Internet (even slower Internet).

By installing Any of these Grepotemas scripts you are responsible for: installing, using and modifying your code, locking your Grepolis account or banning a Grepolis world from using scripts.

Before you download this Theme, please be informed how to install the Theme and what minimum requirements you need.
  1. how to install the themes
  2. Minimum requirements
Update 1.0.1 e 1.0.4 Image rectification gods Smite lateral (04-07-2019)

GrepoAbe's Update: _1.0.4 _25-09-2019 (✔️)

Download by Dropbox (✔️

Download by Mega (✔️

Do you like Themes and want to help keep this blog up and running with all the surrounding structure, site hosting images, files and more? so share your back to your friends and enemies of the game and if you can do a good deed donate a coin then thank you for sure it will help a lot,  click here to know more.